

As of 24.05.18, the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) was applied on this website, to comply with the right for any user to modify or delete any information associated with her/his customer account, in order to guaranty its confidentiality. The HTTPS protocol ensures optimal confidentiality of the information exchanged on website, whose hosting at Infomaniak is compatible with and approved by the standards of the GDPR. The personal data that you provide to the site are used solely for the purpose of processing your orders and after-sales services, the optimization of your future orders (to avoid retyping your details, for example), of sending you information and updates on the website and the online shop. The resulting data files are never transmitted to a third party. Succinctly: we do not sell any of our address or e-mail databases.You can unsubscribe from the newsletter, regardless of the management of your customer account information, by using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each automatic email you receive. For any inquiries or difficulties, please contact us via the online form.